Airtime Trick and cheats

GameWin – How To Get Free MTN Airtime

Playing game or Reading Current Affairs can be one of your Hubby, how about using your Knowledge on Sport and Current Affairs to earn free Airtime from GameWin.

This is a web base Quiz game that pay you with Airtime for completing Quiz on either Sport or Current Affairs.

You Signup on GameWin with your MTN Sim for just N10, N20 or N50 and you will be able to Complete quiz and earn free Airtime with limited time attached to each Quiz.

What Is GameWin

GameWin is a is a multi-level skilled online trivia game that allows users to play and answer knowledge based questions in order to win prizes. Subscribers are prompted to choose the category of quiz they want to participate;

  • Soccer
  • Current Affairs

It will be possible to activate service via SMS, WEB. To activate, a customer will have to Send an SMS keyword BM, GW, or JP to 4446 OR visit the Game Win website.

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What Do I Need To Earn Free Airtime On GameWin

  • Smartphone
  • MTN Sim
  • N10, N20 or N50 MTN Airtime
  • Active Data on the sim you used to subscribe.
  • Knowledge on Sport or Current AffairsTap Here to see question and answer

How To Started On GameWin

To subscribe on GameWin, there are three subscription package which are;

GameWin N10 — You send BM to 4446 or Tap on GameWin N10 via Web, complete three quiz correctly and get N100 Airtime. To unsubscribe from this package, send STOP BM to 4446.

GameWin N20 — You send GW to 4446 or tap on GameWin N20 Via Web then complete three quiz correctly and get N200 Airtime. To unsubscribe from this package, send STOP GW to 4446.

GameWin N50 — You send JP to 4446 or tap on GameWin N50 via web then complete three quiz correctly and get N700 Airtime. To unsubscribe from this package, send STOP JP to 4446.

NOTE: Before you proceed to register on GameWin, ensure your Sim have a minimum Airtime of N10, N20 or N50. You can subscribe to Gamewin via SMS or Web and you can only subscribe to one package per day.

Subscribe Via SMS

  • Open your device Message Apk.
  • Send JP to 4446 or GW to 4446 or BM to 4446
  • You will be sent a pop-up message with option (Autorenew, One-off,or Cancel).
  • Select One-Off then wait few seconds.
  • You will receive a message saying your subscription is successful and,
  • A link will then be sent to you, Tap on the Link.
  • Check Here to see how to play the game.


Subscribe Via Web

  • Tap Here to subscribe on GameWin Via Web.
  • Scroll down and tap the Subscribe button under GameWin 50 or GameWin 20 or GameWin 10 depending on your choice.
  • A pop up message will appear, tap on One Off.
  • Tap on the Confirm Button.
  • After some minutes, you will receive a message telling you your subscription is successful.
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NOTE: If you get a response saying subscription fail, it means your Airtime balance is below the amount required to enter the package you wish to go for. So recharge your line and retry. Also, if you get a successful subscription message and didn’t receive any link, TAP HERE.

Now that you have successfully subscribe, the next thing is to Start taking quiz to earn free Airtime.

How To Complete Quiz On GameWin

Once your Subscription has been confirmed, tap on the link sent to you via Message or just reload the link you used to subscribe. Now, you will be redirected to your GameWin dashboard.

  • Ensure you are using the data on the sim you subscribe on to play the game else you won’t get your bonus.
  • Do not go pass the 3rd question before claiming your bonus, 6th and 10th bonus are subjected to Raffle draw.

Tap This Link to be directed to the game page. Tap on the Big Golden Red Play Button, then an option will pop out asking you which type of quiz you wish to take. The option will be Sport or Current Affairs.

Select any one you preferred, Answer the first 3 Quiz question correctly to get your free N700 (Now N500) Airtime Within 7 days. Tap on Redeem once you answer the first three correctly. Few Question and Answer below …..

NOTE: Once you are out of Quiz question for the day after loosing, if you wish to participate again, Dial *447# , reply with 1 then select GameWin Jp to opt-out from the service and send JP to 4446 to play again

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Once you answer the first three questions correctly, you will able to claim N100, N200 or N500 free airtime depending on the subscription you choose to get your airtime just Tab On Redeem.

Things To Note About GameWin

  • Only available for MTN Users
  • You need N50 Airtime to join GameWin Quiz.
  • If you play game and win today, wait until you get a message saying your subscription expire before you subscribe and play the game again.
  • You must answer at least 3 question correctly to get free N700 (Now N500) Airtime.
  • Do not answer pass three question before you redeem your 7h Airtime, the bigger prices is 50/50 (Raffle draw)
  • The MTN sim you want to use to claim the Airtime must have an active data and it must be the one you on the data to play the game else you will not get your Airtime.
  • You can only Win Airtime Once per day on one Sim
  • Once you win a Quiz, your reward will be sent to the line you used to register and play the game.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

How many chances will i get to play the game

Maximum of 2 Chance per day. Once you loose the chances without winning, you can unsubscribe by dialing (*447#, select option 1 then reply with the service you want to deactivate). After that, resubscribe again and replay quiz

Can i play the Quiz Game using another network apart from MTN

No! This is can only be played by subscribing with MTN Sim and using MTN sim to play the game.

If i play the game using another network apart from MTN, What will happen.

If you win by playing the Quiz with another network apart from MTN, You won’t receive your Airtime after redeeming.

Can i play the Quiz Game more than once daily.

No! You can only play the Quiz Game once per day.

Credit To –


    1. After winning and you’ve reached the daily limit, you’ll have to subscribe the next day to countinue.

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