Airtime Trick and cheatsHow to

Musix App – Play & Share (How To Get Free Airtime)

Musix App is a free music player app that allows you to share, play and download music for free on your mobile devices, In today’s article i will discuss what Musix App is all about and How To Get Free Airtime from it.

As discussed above Musix App is a music player application that allows you to listen, share and download for free and nowadays most app owner are trying to make their apps go viral and have a good number of audience, But Musix App is different because either you refer or not you will be able to accumulate some airtime if you follow the steps i am going to explain for you.

About Musix App

Musix App is a music player app that allows you to listen to music offline, play music, Videos and lots more, They allows you check the latest trending music all over the world.

Musix has multiple display formats and with stylish UI {User Interface}, Musix provide a considerably good musical experience for you allows you to browse the latest music and off course download and listen to them for free.

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Amazing Features On Musix App

Getting the Musix App would be great because they are some good features on the app that most music player apps does not have this features include;

Simple User Interface

Musix player app have designed their app to be easy to use for people of all ages. And more also it is so simple that even little kids can use the app to listen to their favorite music.

Support Almost All File Format

Another cool feature on Musix app is the file format it support not only supports Mp3, but also WAV, FLAC, APE and all other formats, And best part it play them without losing quality.

Other Features Include:

  • Stylish Layout
  • Offline Music Player
  • Free Downloads
  • Play songs in shuffle, order or loop mode.
  • Scan all the music files automatically, manage and share songs and lot more.

How To Get Free Airtime On Musix App

After reading what musix app is all about and its amazing layout, Now let me explain how you can get free airtime from it and get it recharged to your phone number.

To get started you will need to download the musix app first CLICK HERE to download and install it on your mobile device.

Open the app and select your country from the list of the countries available and it will redirect you to the app dashboard then Click on playlist button below in the dashboard.

muisx app countrymusix app pop up

After clicking on the playlist button you will get a pop up with LUCKY MONEY click on it then they will be a task you will have to complete.

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List Of Task Given On Musix

Here, I will list the available tasks given and how to complete them. But note that the tasks i will list might change as the app continue to give free airtime. But once you understand the ones explained in this guide, you won’t have any issue completing any other of task on the platform.

First Task – This involves downloading little apps like Ayoba App , CoinCola app and Xender app from Goggle playStore which is 100% safe to download them, You don’t have to create any account on this apps all you have to do is to download them after downloading you just have to return to the Musix App and Click on GET to receive you airtime bonus after completing the tasks.

muisx app tasks

Second Task – This also involves giving Xender app a five stars review on the Google play store. I know you might have had the Xender app installed on your phone before now, but don’t worry about that.

Once you’re being redirected to the Google play store to download the Xender app, click on any of the button that appears for example; install or update or open.

Open the Xender app and screenshot the first page. Go to Google play store, give the app a five stars rating and write a nice feedback and then take a screenshot. Go back to your Musix app and submit the two screenshot. Click on GET button and the reward for completing the tasks.

Last Tasks – This involves referring your friends or family to download the Musix App with your unique referral link, Note you will need to refer one person to get your earnings to N210 and withdraw also given N30 for every person that downloads the app from Goggle PlayStore through your link imagine referring 10 people that’s free N300 airtime.

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How To Withdraw Your Airtime On Musix App

To withdraw your airtime from the app, Click on your balance and select withdraw in the next page, Enter your preferred phone number and select your network provider and redemption Option will appear. For example, N100, N200, N300 and etc. Select any amount that is equal to or lesser than that of your balance.

For example, during my airtime withdrawal, if you have N180 in my balance you will have to select 100 naira Option and the airtime will be sent to you immediately.musix app withdraw





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