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TikTok Lite – How To Get Free 1000MB MTN In 7days

Thousands of people spend alot time watching, creating and uploading videos on the TikTok app, And they spend alot of data on it that why today i will be sharing you a trick on how to get upto 1000mb (1gb) in 7days. But first get get to know what the TikTok free data is all about and how to get the data.

About TikTok Lite MTN Free Data

The MTN free TikTok lite data is a promotional offer that allows all TikTok lite user who are also MTN user to claim free data on the app everyday for 7days.The free data allows you to watch videos on TikTok and you get 65mb for the first day of using the app, 130mb for Day 2, 200mb for Day 3,4,5 and 6, on the seventh day you get 1gb(1000mb).

With this free MTN TikTok lite data you can use it to participate in any latest challenge with your friends and family, Now let check on how to get the free data also remember it’s for MTN USERS ONLY.

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tiktok lite

How To Free TikTok Lite Data – MTN

This free data is only available on the TikTok lite version and not to worry there’s absolutely no difference with the normal TikTok app, To get the free data follow the steps below;

  1. Download TikTok lite app on PLAYSTORE or APP STORE.
  2. Open the TikTok lite app.
  3. Wait for few minutes for MTN popup notification.
  4. Select 65mb for Day1 and click on Claim.
  5. Enter your MTN phone number and click on ACTIVATE FOR FREE.
  6. Now the free TikTok lite free data is activated.

tiktok lite

How To Continue The Free Data For 7days

The free data validity period is 7days, To get the data the next day you just have to open the app after 24hrs to claim your day 2 free data and repeat it till the seventh day to get the 1gb(1000mb)

Note; The count will reset to day 1 if you miss claiming data on any day in between.

make money

How To Check The Free Data Balance

To check your data balance on MTN TikTok free bundle click on the activation box that is used for the data claiming.

data balance tiktok lite

Terms and Condition To Get Free Data

To qualify for the TikTok free MTN data you must follow the terms and conditions;

  • You must be 18yrs of age to get the free data
  • You must be a MTN user
  • You must a Nigeria citizen

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